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 For all homeowners in the San Bernardino Mountains:
A free seminar on everything you need to know
about firewise homes and landscapes



 UC Davis, Riverside, and Berkeley faculty and an SB County representative

will tell us how to prepare our property for the next fire.

 • How to create a defensible, attractive landscape around your home

• How to retrofit or design a firewise home

• Why native plants may not always be your best firescaping choice

• What to tell your contractor when replacing your deck or roof

• Who to contact in County offices with questions on tree removal, debris, etc.

• What materials have the best fire-rating

And much more!  See the program on the reverse side.

The experts will be available during the lunch hour to answer your questions.




From The Ground Up: 

A Firewise Home and Landscape Seminar


Rim of The World High School Performing Arts Center
on Highway 18

 Saturday, May 1       9 am - 4 pm







Introduction: From a firefighter’s perspective
Gerry Newcombe, retired Fire Chief

 Fire in our mountains: How it works and what homeowners can do
Dr. Tom Scott (UC Riverside) and Karl McArthur (UC Davis)

 Firescaping and selecting and maintaining firewise plants (3,000 to 7,500 feet)
Janet Hartin (UC Davis)

 Native plants in mountain home landscapes (3,000 to 7,500 feet)
Dr. Edie Allen (UC Riverside)

 Firescaping: Resources and future possibilities
Mary Johnson Smith, Hilltoppers’ Garden Club

 Ask the experts your questions during the lunch hour

 The speakers will be available for individual questions in the cafeteria.  Bring a sack lunch.  We will know closer to the date if concession food will be available.


Firewise Homes

 Firewise home design and retrofitting for mountain homes
Dr. Steve Quarles (UC Berkeley)

Firewise construction materials
Dr. Steve Quarles (UC Berkeley)

 Firewise home construction in the mountains
San Bernardino County representative

Firewise homes: Resources and future possibilities
Mary Johnson Smith, Hilltoppers’ Garden Club


For more information, call 337-7655




Organized by the Hilltoppers’ Garden Club

 Supported by Rim of the World Interpretive Association,
 Eagle’s Nest Garden Club, Inland Empire Master Gardeners,
Mountains Community Hospital Auxiliary,
Sierra Club—Big Bear Group, Deer Lick Lumber and Nursery, Running Springs Fire Department,
Running Springs Water District, and the
University of California Extension.

With special thanks to the
Extension, LACSD, and TIPS Printing.



Seminar Outline-

Morning session: Firescaping 

9:00 am

Introduction: From a firefighter’s perspective—Gerry Newcombe, retired Fire Chief

Stressing 1) the fact that all of us are responsible for taking care of our part of the forest, and 2) the difference that homeowners’ actions—through firewise home design, retrofitting materials, and construction and firescaping—can make when the next wildfire hits our mountains.


9:10 am

Fire in our mountains: How it works and what homeowners can do

Dr. Tom Scott (UC Riverside) and Karl McArthur (UC Davis)

How does our mountain ecosystem work?

How does fire spread through our mountains?

Five things to remember about fire.

What homeowners can do to prepare their homes and grounds before a fire

Five things to do after a fire.


9:50 am

Firescaping and selecting and maintaining firewise plants (3,000 to 7,500 feet)

Janet Hartin (UC Davis)

What is firescaping?

How to firescape appropriately, by taking into account both the continual stress of long-term drought and our permanent water shortage

How do we firescape our grounds?

Choosing firewise/drought-resistant/low-water-use plants

How do we maintain our firescape?

How do we choose a firewise landscaper?

Good sources of information about firescaping, gardening, and about particular plants


10:30 am

10 minute break


11:10 am

Native plants in mountain home landscapes (3,000 to 7,500 feet)—Dr. Edie Allen (UC Riverside)

Why and when should you consider using native plants in your landscape?

How to care for existing native plants in your landscape

How to select, plant, and maintain native plants in your landscape

Good sources of information about firescaping and about particular native plants


11:45 am

Firescaping: Resources and future possibilities—Mary Johnson Smith, Hilltoppers


Noon – 1 pm.


1 hour break for lunch

The high school cafeteria will be available through the lunch hour.  Bring a sack lunch.  We will know closer to the date if concessions will be available.  The afternoon session will begin promptly at 1 pm.


Afternoon session: Firewise Homes


1:00 pm

Firewise home design and retrofitting for mountain homes—Dr. Steve Quarles (UC Berkeley)

Learning from experience—evidence of fire-safe building practices from the Oakland, Carlsbad, and Laguna fires

How fire enters a home

What aspects of home design are most important in keeping fire out?

Designing mountain homes with a potential fire in mind

Retrofitting a home

Questions to ask your architect or designer


2:00 pm

Firewise construction materials—Dr. Steve Quarles (UC Berkeley)

Fire ratings for construction materials



10 minute break


3:00 pm

Firewise home construction in the mountains—SB County representative

Firesafe codes, regulations, and requirements

Construction details that make a difference

Putting it all together—the best design/materials/construction combinations

Ideas from Europe

Questions to ask your contractor

SB County services and resources for homeowners


3:45 pm

Firewise homes: Resources and future possibilities—Mary Johnson Smith, Hilltoppers


4:00 pm

Seminar ends







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