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 About Dacy




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About me (Dacy)

I put this page up for all those people who kept asking about information about me.  There are a lot of more interesting pages to read on this site.  Please read those first.  :)


For the past 10 years I have been in the restaurant business.  In November 1993 I got into the business, ran a couple of busy restaurants, and began developing the restaurant concepts on the corporate level a few years later.  I assisted dozens of franchisees in opening their own restaurants and was kept very busy doing so.

This went on for 10 years.  I ran my business's and supported my family doing so.  But my heart was never in the food business.  I found every way possible to bring my real love, entertainment and technology, into my business.  I taught myself how to make a website for my company.  I developed new point of purchase/cash register systems.  I used my graphic art talents to create marketing materials.  I used my knowledge of video production to produce a series of professional training videos for my employees.  Basically I turned my food world into a technology world.  I was probably the only restaurant around that had a network of 8 computers in the backroom helping the restaurant to operate.

One day this year, I looked at my life and decided that I needed a change.  I could not continue to pretend I was in the industry I loved while actually making all my money in a different industry.  It was a very hard decision, but I decided to take the risk and jump out of the food industry.  I put my restaurants up for sale.

This is where my life got turned upside down.  To come straight to the point, I found a buyer and today (November 15, 2003) is my last day owning my restaurants.  I am meeting with my employees this morning at 8am to tell them the news. 

I can't tell you how hard it was to keep the fireupdate.com and firerecovery.com websites updated while getting my restaurants ready to sell and signing escrow papers and everything.  It was very challenging, but the websites also served as a welcome to the entertainment and technology industry to me.  Something that I could never have guessed in a million years would happen.  Who would have thought that my taking a giant leap of faith leaving my business would end up almost instantly gaining me over 40,000 new friends.

So, the question that continues to burn inside of me is... what in the world do I do now?  Starting tomorrow, I will be truly unemployed.  A fact that I've been thinking about on and off for many weeks.

So, I'm going to start today in accomplishing my goal of getting into the Entertainment and Technology industries.  I am posting my resume here on the site.  If you know anyone that needs a technology minded individual with lots of business and management experience, please lead them to my resume.

Also, anyone in need of any of the following services, please feel free to contact me:

Web Design

Video Production (corporate videos, training videos, weddings, TV commercials)

Computer Training or assistance

Business Consulting

Thank you all for being such a huge part of this new part of my life.  I thank you and my family thanks you too.





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